Spring workshop:Survival Skills for the Age of Aquarius, Part One
We are in the beginning stages of the most important astrological shifts in 2000 years (some say 14,000!), the transition from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. This is the main event that our souls took birth for – a most sacred and powerful time to claim our true identity as powerful spiritual beings, and to help usher in a new world with new cultures, new institutions, all new everything! It is imperative that we learn to live our highest purpose and expression. If you have been undergoing tremendous upheaval in your life through the loss/transformation of key relationships, identities, careers, etc., and wondering why, then you’re on the right path, Noble One!
This 4-session class will teach you foundational skills to start or deepen your spiritual path of healing, creating nourishing connections with your Higher Self and your team of positive ancestors, spiritual guides and Master Teachers who journey with you, guiding and protecting you every step of the way. This is a spiritual but non-religious class, and will serve to complement whatever path you are already on.
Potential Points of Exploration:
Placing ourselves in time and space: We will start the class off with hearing about this great transition prophesied by all of my spiritual teachers, and explore all the ways that we have already experienced or are experiencing these transformative energies in our lives.
Grounded in the body – Self-awareness is the foundation of our healing path, crucial in developing our spiritual lives. We will learn simple body-based meditation practices and start (or renew) a daily journaling practice to strengthen your self-awareness and reflection, a new level of consciousness.
Energetic bodies cleansed and protected - we will learn ways to purify, strengthen and protect our energetic bodies. We will learn the basics of energy anatomy to aid in this exploration.
Centered in the heart, in radical self-compassion – Delving into the mystical realm of our hearts, we will listen to its gentle and powerful wisdom through learning how to unconditionally love and accept all our emotions. We will learn how to consciously work with our heart’s inherent qualities of compassion, generosity, surrender, and faith to enrich and guide our lives and relationships.
Open to divine guidance – We will learn how to connect to our team in spirit of the highest light: the coalition of positive ancestors, angels, spirit guides, Ascended Masters, star family, Divine Beings of nature, etc. that journey with us on our path. We will learn simple but powerful ways to communicate with them and receive their love, guidance, and support.
Things to know:
· All classes will be held virtually on Zoom.
· This class will be part information/wisdom sharing, part spiritual ceremony, part community building. You will be invited to participate in 1-2 outdoor ceremonies in West Seattle that are completely optional.
· This is a learning community, and a community of practice. We learn and we heal in community. While you are never asked to share beyond your comfort zone, you will be invited and encouraged to share your insights and questions in small and large groups. Our learning can grow exponentially in the fertile ground of community, so we will take ample time to create a safe and brave container. My prayer is that you will leave with new friends and spiritual companions.
· This is a space centering the lived experiences and voices of Black, Indigenous and People of Color. BIPOC folks will be offered priority. White allies with an embodied knowledge and practice of anti-racism are welcome to join.
· We learn through experience and practice. You will be given homework at every class. Expect to set aside at least 30 minutes everyday to practice these tools and to reflect on your experience.
· Every group’s needs are different. While we will most likely be learning some piece of each of the topics above, I am ultimately guided by Spirit and the flow of the group, so there is a chance that we may be taken on a completely different direction. Just like life, please be flexible and open to the process J
· For those already working with me on an individual level, this is an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the concepts, histories, and practices you may already be practicing, in the container of a loving learning community.
Sunday, April 11, 6-7:30pm
Sunday, April 25th, 6-7:30pm
Sunday, May 2nd, 6-7:30pm
Sunday, May 16th, 6-7:30pm
WORKSHOP FEE: $100 - $175 sliding scale. Limited scholarships are available. Please email me if you are interested. Class size is limited.