Healing Hike, Sun, June 13, 2021

Please join liberatory coach Johnny Buck (Wanapum/Yakama/Puyallup) and spiritual healer-teacher Amadeo Cruz Guiao (Filipinx) on Sunday, June 13, 2021 for a healing hike. We will gather in this powerful eclipse season to reconnect with ourselves, the plants, Mother Earth, the air, the water, and hike with each other on the earth, to feel part of the whole again.

This gathering is intended to support our healing as we emerge from the COVID 19 pandemic. This is truly a joyful, exciting, and energizing opportunity for us to collectively remember and celebrate our interconnectedness.

Donation of $20-100 is requested and will go entirely to Johnny and his family.

WHERE: 1) Olallie State Park, North Bend WA for morning part of hike 2) Kachess Ridge trailhead, Easton WA for afternoon hike

WHEN: Sat, June 13, 2021, meet at Olallie Stae Park at 10am until about 5pm

TO REGISTER: https://forms.gle/M5u6J7DV5mnQMBcq6


Because of health considerations, we will not be organizing carpools to the locations. For those who are vaccinated and feel comfortable offering or sharing a ride, we will have a community spreadsheet for folks to self-organize amongst themselves. While we wish we could make this opportunity as accessible as possible to those without access to their own vehicles, we are also living in a new world where we must do what we can to protect each other.

The hike itself will be slow and prayerful, with plenty of opportunities for us to stop and observe the life blooming all around us, listening to our plant and animal teachers. We expect to cover a moderate distance with moderate elevation gain.

This event will take place entirely outdoors. We will be following the WA state mandate that states that masks are required if we cannot maintain 6 feet of distance from one another (unless you’re fully vaccinated and feel comfortable doing so, feel free to be mask-less). We'll be maintaining that distance but also please bring a mask :)

Revitalizing Hike.png

Summer workshop:Survival Skills for the Age of Aquarius, Part Two